Both Wellington and Auckland are popular with landlords when it comes to apartment investing.
Wellington’s café culture is buzzing, and we’re of the firm belief that there is no better place for a coffee than in the Capital!
As a landlord, it is essential that you have insurance for your property, and in the case of furnished apartments and homes, that the contents are insured too.
It’s that time of year again when we all start thinking about Christmas party ideas for our Wellington workmates.
There’s nothing quite like experiencing fine dining in Wellington. From the waterfront through to the city’s suburbs, there are plenty of restaurants specialising in fine dining to enjoy.
Here at HiAtlas, we specialise in providing our residents with high quality fully furnished Wellington apartments, townhouses and houses.
Skye Candle and Body Care Based in Tawa, owner Kash makes and sells the most divine skincare, aromatherapy and home fragrance products around.
Wellington is blessed to have so many wonderful parks to explore.
Whether you want a family-friendly rental or a property located away from the hustle of the CBD, exploring Wellington’s top suburbs is a must.
When owning an investment property in Wellington, there’s more to consider than rent collection and tenant selection.
We can all testify as to the wet and windy Wellington winter weather!
As a landlord, there are many rental property expenses that you can claim upon, as well as others you cannot.
Are you considering a move to Wellington for work? Needing to know more about renting a fully furnished apartment?
We’re always looking for great ideas for our Wellington renters, and this month we’ve got some creative gardening ideas you might want to try.
Just what are your responsibilities as a tenant when it comes to the lawn and garden maintenance of a rental?
When it comes to apartment renting in Wellington, and NZ wide for that matter, as a tenant you have certain rights and responsibilities.
Here at HiAtlas, we specialise in the short- and long-term rentals of fully-furnished properties across Wellington.
When it comes to renting your Wellington apartment, impressions matter.
Christmas shopping in Wellington is always a pleasure. From traditional gift stores, through to speciality and seasonally themed stores, it’s a shopping experience not to be missed!
We specialise in providing our corporate renters with Wellington’s furnished properties of the highest calibre.
Whether you’re in Wellington with kids for the weekend, or for a couple of months, you’ll be on the hunt for some exciting activities for them to do.
They may not be the largest, but Wellington beaches are certainly the cutest, convenient to visit and diversified.
Since 1987, the World of Wearable Art, also known as WOW, has amazed, flabbergasted and impressed audiences with the exceptional fashion it has showcased.
There’s a lot at stake when choosing a property management company. Choose the wrong one and you’re in for a rocky ride.
Shopping in Wellington’s CBD has changed over the years, but we think it’s for the better!
It’s not every day the stars come to town, but they certainly have this year!
Whether you’re into, catching a live performance or enjoying a meal with friends, Wellington after dark is the place to be!
Te Whanganui-a-Tara is an amazing place to live, work and play.
No visit to the capital is complete without a visit to at least one of Wellington’s heritage sites.
It’s no secret that Wellington is one of NZ’s top places to stay and live.